Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Questions to Which I Don't Suppose I'll Ever Find an Answer - No. 675a

Why are all pterodactyls in French* comic books coloured red?
etcetera etcetera etcetera...

*all right, '...and Belgian'.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Here's an eight panel strip that fell off my doodle pad today and somehow became worth inking. wib

Monday, June 22, 2015

Page one of  'Senga: The Braw Jungle Lassy'

 Page One

Or whatever I eventually call it. 'Senga: Quine of the Jungle' is another possibility.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Work in Progress:

 Senga Cheesecake

Work in progress. I've got a bit stuck in the comic I'm drawing with this character. Her name is Senga the Jungle Girl.  I'm 12 pages in, a few good jokes and no plot as yet - so to avoid dealing with my total lack of plotting ability I'm taking time out to draw a pin-up of her with copious armpit hair. Not sure why I'm giving her such luxuriant pits, but I was planning on having her have riotous underarm fuzz that would blow in the wind from the start - but Holly made me take it out on the grounds that it's "too weird".

A semi-naked Scottish girl living with an Amazon tribe of white girls battling Nazis deep in the African jungle is okay but armpit hair is "weird"?  I don't understand kids. Mind you, they don't understand me so I guess we're even.

(Though I do have some sympathy for their position.)

Here's the (maybe) cover :


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Free CD
Please take care
in removing from cover.

Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by me, Liam Baldwin. That's real copyright, not any 'creative commons' internet hippy type thing.

(this copyright notice stolen from http://jonnybillericay.blogspot.com/)

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