Saturday, September 08, 2007

Merriol has some of the girls over tonight for a fun evening dressing up as nurses, drinking, and watching Green Wing, a baffling medical comedy show which she adores but leaves me cold. Having booked my place on the first bus to hell with my latest cartoon over on The Other Place, I'm off to bed after having been up till three am last night drawing it (I know it doesn't look a like a lot but I ended up with a dozen layers on the bloody thing). I also wrote a joke for the panto at about 2.30. So the night wasn't a total waste of time.
So to bed. I've pointed Firefox at good old freeform Station WMFU, plugged an extension cable onto my good old 70s style BIG headphones (can't stand those things that screw into your ears and get clogged up with earwax), then trailed the cable through to the bedroom. This should cut out most of the raucousness from downstairs. I can only hope that, at whatever time she finally stumbles into bed, Merriol doesn't trip over the cable and accidentally rip my ears off.

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