Monday, June 23, 2008

Normal Service Will Be Interrupted As Soon As Possible

After weeks wandering in the wilderness - doing bugger all that I can tell - my sense of humour seems to be returning home. I've missed it. I have actually had a couple of cartoon ideas that nearly struck me as funny over the last couple of days. At least one of them made Merriol almost smile. (This is like getting a standing ovation from total strangers.) Tonight I drew one up. My first cartoon for weeks. It's nice to be back. Unfortunately we're going away on holiday at the end of the week and will have no internet access for at least seven days! (Big deep breaths! It will be alright... It's only a week... it's only a week...) So I'm just going to have to keep them as scribbles in the notebook for a bit longer.

Oh God! - A whole WEEK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is only a week - we're prepared to stand aside as you stampede towards the computer... keep those notebooks overflowing and ready to ... amuse people.

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Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by me, Liam Baldwin. That's real copyright, not any 'creative commons' internet hippy type thing.

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