Sunday, May 13, 2012

No Shit, Sherlock!

Time, I think, for the annual weekly No Shit, Sherlock! Award.  A coveted award which I dole out for  brave and conspicuous stating of the obvious - in uncalled for situations (often above and beyond the call of duty).  Idiots of the world - we salute you!

Today's winner of the month is the nameless bozo responsible for writing the 'Problem Solving' section of the manual for my Pace Sky minibox satellite decoder.  It is a booklet I have never needed to look at until today when, after installing a new dish, we discovered the damn thing didn't work.  The 'signal test' showed a nice strong signal but no moving pictures....

The manual's 'Problem Solving' section is set out as a table with three columns: 'Message', 'Possible Reason', and 'What to do now'.... it was no help at all - but I did come across the following: 

On-screen messages: 


'This viewing card is not authorised.  Call your broadcaster for assistance.'

Possible Reason:
Your viewing card is not authorised.

What to do now:
Call the telephone number on your screen to get your viewing card authorised.


'This programme is not available.'

Possible Reason:
This programme is not available in your area.

What to do now:
You will not be able to watch this programme.


I really wish I was making these up, but I'm not.  The winner though is this one.  Remember, folks, this is a manual written for people who can: A. read. B. know how to open a folded booklet, hold it the right way up, and presumably have opposable thumbs.  The winner of this afternoon's No Shit, Sherlock! Award is...


'Insert your Sky Viewing Card.'

Possible Reason:
There is no viewing card in the Sky Viewing Card slot in your Sky minibox.

What to do now:
Insert your viewing card into the Sky Viewing Card slot.


How did we manage?

In the end I just unplugged the fucker and plugged it back in again.  That did the trick.

PS.  An honourable mention goes to the entries on the General problems pages where, after the problems 'You've forgotten your PIN.' and 'You can't find the remote control.' the Possible reason column has been left blank.  

Very tactful.


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